Mrs. Hiemstra

Angie Hiemstra graduated back in 1995, after she started substituting. She has been a preschool, alternative, special education teacher, and now a physical education teacher. Hiemstra taught in Hemingford for a semester. Before teaching at Alliance; for almost 20 years. She did not always want to be a teacher. Right out of high school she wanted to be a psychologist. What changed her mind was she didn’t want to go to school for eight years, “Every day is something different, it never gets boring because you don’t know what to expect. The best part about teaching is getting to know the students”. Hiemstra has three children and one grandchild (soon to be two). She also is not an only child as she has two brothers. Mrs. Hiemstra’s hobbies outside of school are spending time with her grandchildren, she loves watching college sports (especially Husker volleyball) when she can, and going to concerts. She doesn’t know what she would be doing if she wasn’t teaching because she loves it.

Jamie Brooks grew up in a small town called Alliance, Jamie has always loved the country and how much open space there is for land and cattle!...