Miss. Brown: Secretary

Plenty of new faculty have joined Alliance High School since last year. One of those new faculty members is Ms. Brown. She works as a secretary and is in charge of the day to day activities such as attendance. Along with that, she is also in charge of most of the sports requirements like printing rosters and contacting other schools to get games setup. She is one of the ladies behind our sports and extracurricular activities. 


When Ms. Brown graduated from college, she remembered the great time she had at Alliance High School and decided she wanted to work here. Her goal is to impact a students’ lives in positive ways. Her favorite part about her job is working and talking with the students.  She believes that helping someone can and will go a long way.


Brown believes that the best part about Alliance is the community that surrounds it. She likes how everybody knows everybody else and has so much love for others. She said, “It takes a village to raise a kid and I had a village behind me when I was growing up. The community that you build and the people who care about you are my favorite thing about Alliance.” 


In her free time, Ms. Brown coaches the Hemingford volleyball team. When she had gotten the news that she could coach volleyball, she was ecstatic. When she was attending high-school, she was a part of the for-mentioned volleyball team. Along with coaching the team, she enjoys watching documentaries. Besides that, she does not have much time for anything else. We here at the SPUD would like to welcome Ms. Brown to AHS!