Mrs. Mary-Theresa Green: English
Mrs. Mary-Theresa Green teaches English 9 and creative writing at Alliance High School. This is her 17th year teaching but she hasn’t taught in Alliance her whole career. She worked in Omaha for four years at the Omaha Theatre for Young People teaching acting classes. She then moved to Thomas Jefferson High School where she taught theatre.
Mrs. Green graduated High School from Crawford in a mystery year. Hint, Hint, the time of bellbottoms and 1980’s hairdos. She has attended two colleges: she got her Bachelor of Arts from Chadron State College for Theatre and Speech, and received her master’s from the University of Nebraska-Omaha in Secondary Education.
Mrs. Green is married to her husband of 13 years, Tony Amill, who also works at Alliance High School in the BAC. Her son Jonah is 11 years old and attends St. Agnes Academy. He really enjoys football, riding his scooter, basketball, track, swim team and baseball.
Mrs. Green could not pick a favorite class because she loves them all. Her favorite hobby is traveling and she likes interacting with students and learning about them.

Hey! I’m Allexis Rolstad and this is my second year at Alliance High School. I really enjoy being apart of extracurricular activities such as playing...