So Close Yet So Far

McKenna Romick, Staff writer

As the seniors count down the short twenty-seven days left of school they scramble to put together all the senior traditions such as; senior skip day, senior prank, and senior dance. Are these traditions that students still really care about or is it just something students feel like they need to do because it is a tradition? Each class wants to have the best pranks and the best turnout for their skip day, but no one wants to make anything happen. Plus does anyone even know the purpose of the traditions or why they started?

None of these traditions do not have any positive effect on anyone, so are they something that classes should be continuing? The past few years the senior skip day and the senior prank haven’t been anything successful or anything to be remembered, but the senior dance has been continued to be known for its negativity. Even though each class knows it is wrong, no one seems to stop it, why? Because it’s a “tradition”.

With only twenty-seven days left, the class of 2017 just now started to get a facebook group together and make plans for the senior skip day, and to no surprise no one can agree on anything. Between extracurricular activities and testing for finals there are only a few days left for a skip day to work for the majority of the class. Plus this is the last thing seniors need to stress out about.

Even though there are only a few days left, and seniors are so eager to be done, there is still so much to do; final papers, getting scholarships done, prom, and planning graduation. There are many seniors that need to be more focused on school instead of these leisurely activities that are a “tradition”. So why do the senior classes continue to focus on the fun and meaningless traditions instead of finishing school?