New Study Shows the Health Concerns of Excessive Homework
A high school student stressed about her homework.
In today’s society, high school students are assigned more homework than their parents were assigned when they attended school. A recent study shows that students today are assigned an average of three hours of homework each day. The whopping number of homework assigned to students can literally make teenagers sick because of the level of stress they have within them.
Research studies have showed that the amount of homework that the students are given on a daily basis can have major health effects on their bodies, including excruciating migraines, mouth ulcers, stomach problems, and even severe weight loss. At least 56% of students have admitted that accomplishing homework is the main goal in their lives.
Denise Pope, a student at Stanford Graduate School of Education has said that three hours worth of homework is average; however, there are some students who are putting in more than three hours worth in their studies. She always mentioned how some schools in the United States have made a policy of limiting the amount of homework students are assigned, however, Advanced Placement classes don’t apply.
With all of the controversy of the amount of homework that students today are assigned, there are still some parents who are fed up with the school systems not assigning enough homework for their children, while some parents argue that their children are assigned too much. A junior student mentioned that it is not the fact that Alliance High School hands out too much homework, they just need to allow us more time in class to get a head-start on whatever we’re doing. Although, Alliance High School doesn’t necessarily have a homework policy; it is reasonable to work on at least fifteen minutes of homework for each class, said a former Alliance High School teacher.
While most of the homework students today are assigned are usually English, History, Mathematics, Science, and foreign languages classes, some individuals argue that children today aren’t taught important subjects such as the sense of responsibility. At this point of reading this article, you might be asking yourself, “Well, doesn’t assigning homework teach students organization skills and the sense of responsibility?” Studies prove that the act of assigning unnecessary amount of homework doesn’t teach students valuable lessons; in fact it just stresses them out.
There is in fact a simple solution in solving this nation-wide situation; school organizations should reduce the amount of homework assigned to students no more than two hours per day. It is not simply the teacher’s duty to reduce the homework given to the students; it is also the parent’s duty to encourage their children and to support how they choose to accomplish their studies. As for the concerned parents of students arguing that not enough homework is assigned to their children on a daily basis, they could take interest in Advanced Placement for excess learning in studies.