Every U.S. military branch needs physical fitness to be at its best. All military positions require different strengths and knowledge to be good at. For example, in the Navy, they need the education and strength to care for any naval vehicle they are on. The Navy is a more technology-driven force, which includes the maintenance of their vessels plus knowing how to use them. The U.S. Army is more on the ground and a regular military force cause they are moving more, so it takes strength and knowledge of any weapon or tech they use because some jobs require drones and other advanced forms of technology. Then there are the Marines, almost all-the-ground combat units that use more strength because of their primary usage in ground-to-ground combat. The United States Air Force is a technology-driven military branch because it uses very advanced jets, which is why it’s so hard to become a jet pilot cause of the more weapon and tech usage on a single aircraft. Still, in a helicopter, they use less advanced equipment and mostly transport troops and goods. A jet pilot has to use strength and knowledge of the fighter jet they are flying cause they use G’s, which is how much force they pull against the earth’s gravity.
All branches use different academies and some are harder or easier than others. The Marines are tough to join; then, in the Army, you can pass by being active; the Air Force is easy to join to become pilots or have a tech job, then the Navy is a branch of the military in which you can join quickly because fitness is low, but you have to learn the advanced technology on most modern day navel vessels. The Coast Guard is separate from the Navy and is more used for international sea. They enforce the laws of specific trading routes and help most cargo and passenger ships pass by threatening zones safely. The newest military branch to join is the space force, which requires more knowledge than fitness because they are meant to help our nation grow and expand our power into space and to help keep our freedom in space as well. Every military branch has its hardships, and others are easy to breeze by but with enough dedication, you can become part of any military branch.