7th Street Dance Studio Christmas Show

Throughout the years, 7th Street Dance Studio has one recital every spring. During the summer, the studio went through management changes, which resulted in the dancers not being able to go to dance camps or dance competitions. For 35 years, Kathy Lybarger had owned 7th Street Dance Studio. Last year, she decided to retire which gave the dance studio a new owner, Lori Davis. This year, Lori Davis had made renovations to the dance floor, making it bigger for the dancers.

Instead of having one spring recital, Lori decided to do a Christmas show. The show was titled: Dancers Fighting Cancer. The money made from tickets sales were donated to Jane’s Closet/Wings of HOPE, an organization that is dedicated to providing financial help to the men, women, and children of Box Butte County battling cancer. Jane’s Closet/Wings of HOPE provides cancer patients with wigs, scarves, books, and financial support for patients to help with travel expenses.

The show consisted of three preschool classes and K-12 classes. The show sold so many tickets that instead of just having a 2:00 o’clock show, the studio added a 4:00 o’clock show also. The older girls had to help with the younger kids, making sure they were calm and quiet.

Luxie West, a senior at Alliance High School, loved the idea of a Christmas show. “I thought it was a great way to show the community the studio’s work after new ownership, and it was awesome to support such a great cause. I pick up dances really fast, and I liked being able to do more performances considering the fact that this is my last year dancing at 7th Street.” This was Luxie’s first time helping the younger kids. “This was my first time having to actually help a class on and off stage. It was kind of stressful just because their dance numbers and my dance numbers were close in the order, and I was rushing back and forth off stage to get them on and off, and trying to get on stage for myself as well. But other than that, it was fun and different than what I am used to.”

Senior, Rachel Baker thought the Christmas Show was so much fun. “Dancing for an audience is always so fulfilling, and the fact that we got to donate ALL the proceeds to fighting cancer makes it even better!” Rachel wasn’t stressed about learning a dance in a few months either. “I don’t think it was more stressful. It motivated us to work harder to finish and make it look good.” Rachel works at the dance studio, so she gets to work with the little kids every day. “The younger kids that I get to work with are my favorite part of working at the dance studio, even if the kids aren’t always well-behaved.”

Lori Davis thought it was a wonderful idea to have a Christmas show to thank everyone for their support of 7th Street Dance Studio. She thought it would be a way to show our support for the fighters, the survivors and the ones who have lost their lives to cancer.

As the spring recital grows closer, the dancers will have their new dances ready to show the community; a new owner, a newly renovated building, and a stronger passion to dance.