Is Gossip Such A Bad Thing?
It is an extremely common belief that gossip is always a bad thing. Although everyone has done it, very few are willing to admit it. Many people use gossip as such a derogatory term, but is it really such a bad thing?
I can remember a time when the talk of the gossip wheel was for good reason. Janaye Shoemaker, a junior at Alliance High School, got into a serious car accident and was transferred to the hospital. When news came to surface about Janaye’s accident, she was the talk of the school. Everyone was worried and keeping her in their thoughts. Many people signed cards, got her flowers, and even went to visit her at home.
Janaye may have been the headline in the gossip wheel, but it was all for good reason. The people who were talking about Janaye’s accident were not being rude or degrading, they were only asking if she was okay and making sure she didn’t need anything.
Good news is also a good form of gossip. Spreading positivity leads to good feelings and makes everyone involved happy. Positive gossip can bring people closer together and overall make the world we live in a better place. It also causes us to be more supportive of those around us and it teaches children how to spread positive energy.
Although gossip may not always be a bad thing, it is important to be cautious of what we say to others. Negative words can not only hurt someone’s feelings but also ruin friendships. Many of us enjoy being positively spoken about, but just remember that just a few words can make or break someone’s day.

Hey! I’m Allexis Rolstad and this is my second year at Alliance High School. I really enjoy being apart of extracurricular activities such as playing...