Bill Cosby Proven Guilty
Almost everyone has heard of the name Bill Cosby. He is a comedian, actor, author and musician that has been in the entertainment business for decades. Although Cosby is known for his many accomplishments over the years, he is also known for his not so bright past.
Since the mid-1960’s, there have been numerous sexual assault allegations against him. All the way up until 2008, Bill has been accused by 59 women of rape, sexual battery, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and child sexual abuse. Though there have been many trials over the years, he has finally pleaded guilty on April 26, 2018, for drugging and sexually assaulting a woman fourteen years ago.
Cosby is facing up to ten years in prison and a $25,000 dollar fine for each of his three accounts of assault. This news has made a big contribution to the #MeToo movement. This movement that went viral in October of 2017 and has been raising awareness on social media for the victims of sexual assault and harassment. Tarana Burke, the activist who began the #MeToo movement, hopes that this will inspire victims around the world to speak up and to remind them that their voices are heard. According to, Tarana stated that she felt a sense of relief for the dozens of women who spoke out against Cosby.
Despite the number of accusations, there are many people who believe that Bill Cosby is innocent. They believe that the women and media are lying for money. Although many women came forward, people still believe that all of these stories are fabricated and fake, but the only ones who really know the truth are Bill Cosby himself, and the victims.
After being found guilty, Bill was released on bail for $1,000,000. A sentencing date has not yet been set, but he has been put on house arrest.

Hey! I’m Allexis Rolstad and this is my second year at Alliance High School. I really enjoy being apart of extracurricular activities such as playing...