High School Firsts
With all the stressful assignments and deadlines piling up, it is easy to feel like school is a waste of time, but all of the memories that are made throughout these four years make everything worth it. Some of the most memorable moments in high school are the “firsts”.
Many of the exciting high school firsts include going to prom, going on a road trip with your friends, falling in love, a first car, and so much more. Some of these things aren’t for everyone, but it’s important to get out and experience everything you can. When you grow older, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do, rather than the things you did do.
Throughout high school, everyone gets to experience tons of new things, some great and some not so good. Unfortunately, high school is no bed of roses. For example, a first heartbreak, a bad grade on an important test, or the first time you’ve ever fought with a close friend. Having to go through those things can make you feel hopeless but it’s all apart of growing up. Being a teen is a learning process and sometimes it’s okay to mess up. The exciting memories you make in high school will stay with you for the rest of your life, so why not have fun?
High school is a great time to explore interests and try new things. Many opportunities are presented to us at this time in our lives and it’s important to choose which ones will benefit us and which ones will harm us.
Not only is it good to live in the moment during high school, it is also crucial to think about the future. High school should be a fun time but you shouldn’t try anything that you know is going to harm you later on. While there are lots of responsibilities and stress that come with high school, there are also a lot of exciting and new experiences that are involved, so make the most of it!

Hey! I’m Allexis Rolstad and this is my second year at Alliance High School. I really enjoy being apart of extracurricular activities such as playing...