My Monthly Issue: I Am Not Alone
lockers in the high school hallway
Fourth period has its ups and downs for me. Every day I walk into the room, not knowing what is to come. I had always thought that I was the only one who dealt with this each day. I was wrong.
It has come to my attention that there are other guys like me that are the only male students in their class. Our misfortune has lead to countless embarrassing moments, dealing with awkward conversation topics picked by the girls.
Two male students, Kel Underwood and Jake Ackerman are also “blessed” with being the only guys in one of their classes.
Sophomore Kel Underewood has his eighth period class, Annual, with eleven girls. He says, “they tend to gossip a lot but are usually considerate in the topics of their conversations.”
Another guy who is alone each day is junior, Jake Ackerman, in AP English 11, which is his second period. He says, “They don’t really talk about weird things and I usually don’t usually talk at all during class.”
Comparing my class to the other ones, I think that they have more “laid back” girls in their classes. Now I’m not saying that the girls in my class are uptight, just that they tend to get a little crazy sometimes.
My class does a bunch of weird stuff. This month, they compared my face to the actor, Owen Wilson. They girls smelled my starfish that I saved from College Zoology. They helped me ask my date to prom. Safyre told Mrs. Digmann some secrets but not us. The sophomores have osteogenesis imperfect, and waved a fake wand while saying it with a British accent. Thalia got an iPhone and likes it better than Samsung. Cheerleading tryouts created a bunch of drama and bad talking about some other girls that didn’t get in. Crystal is in search of a prom date for the sole reason to go to after prom. Allexis and Mareesa don’t have any good drama to add. Taylor stalks a lot Instagram profiles to see if they’re still dating their significant other… It was a very eventful month full of not-so-newsworthy news but still a lot of fun.

Hello, I am Zachary Placek. I am a senior at Alliance High School. This is my second year on the SPUD, and I am our Senior Editor. Last year, I competed...