Are Parents’ Motivating Failure?


Leaving too much pressure and stress on children to achieve educational goals can unintentionally force their grades to plummet. The majority of parents want their child/children to succeed in school, but do they realize the impractical amount of expectations put on a student not only has the potential to psychologically damage the kid, but also leads them to academic failure?

Although some pressure has proven to help some children achieve more, the expectation of strenuous efforts can only make matters worse.

For example, according to an article in Science Daily, “researchers assessed student math achievements as well as parental aspiration and anticipation on an annual basis”. They discovered the majority of students succeeded in a variety of subjects when their parents pushed them in doing so. However, as soon as parents attempted to stimulate their kids past the realistic capacity, all efforts collapsed, and the students initially regressed.

Another study, an article expressing the internal and external standards by ABlard, found in Parents’ Conceptions of Academic Successes, examined parents’ appreciations toward their child’s academic success.

These studies can give us a simpler understanding of the role in which parents might play in their child’s academic success; however, further research is needed to fully understand how parents’ belief systems affect the specific ways they interact with their children, and generally how these beliefs impact students’ feelings and long-term achievement.