White House Security Breakdown
Last week at the White House, security had a “minor” lapse in judgement when it allowed 42-year-old Omar Jose Gonzalez to get into the presidential residence. He was wielding a folding knife and was set on warning the president that “the atmosphere was collapsing.”
Gonzalez was able to jump the fence, run across the lawn, and into the White House, bypassing all guards and intruder alarms, and enter the presidential residence through an unlocked door. Gonzalez was apprehended in the east room by off duty Secret Service agents.
Since this appalling lapse in security, the White House has made little to no comment. It would be disrespectful for the president to criticize those who openly risk their lives on a daily basis to protect him and his family.
The incident has pressed the Director of the Secret Service, Julia Pierson, to resign from her position of leadership. Pierson was the first female in history to be called director.
Homeland Security director Jeh Johnson released a statement, saying that Pierson had resigned. Johnson also stated that he would find a jury to evaluate White House security measures.
This is not the first intrusion that the White House has endured. In November 2011, while the President and his wife were out of the presidential residence, a man by the name of Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez fired a rifle through a window of the White House. The only members of the presidential family present were daughters Malia and Sasha, as well as the First Lady’s mother.
Secret Service agents immediately rushed to the supposed spot of the gunshots, but were told to back off by a supervisor, who assumed the noise was a result of a construction vehicle backfiring.
Four days later, on November 15, 2011, a housekeeper discovered broken glass and a piece of cement on the floor. As it turns out, the gunman had shot many times. Seven of those bullets hit the White House, causing $97,000 in damages.
When President Obama and his wife returned to Washington, they learned of the incident and were upset. Fortunately, the perpetrator was caught a few days after and is now serving 25 years in prison.
The White House has not made any more comments on the situation.

Hi! My name is Sophi Sanchez and I am a senior here at Alliance High. I'm a third year writer for the Spud. My sophomore year, I placed fifth in the state...