Amazon Using Drones For Delivery

Amazon is coming up with some new technology that could make their delivery business better and faster. They are planning to make this flying device called “octocopter”, a mini-drone that flies to your house in 30 minutes as soon as you order an item off of Amazon. These drones will pick up packages from small yellow buckets at Amazon’s fulfillment centers and race through the air to deliver items to individual customers 30 minutes after they hit the “purchase” button online at

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, had an interview on “60 minutes” with Charlie Rose. Rose talked about Amazon’s future plans and how the business is doing today. Jeff talks about the drone and says how he can make it work and how it can extend the range of products that they sell. Jeff also talks about how the delivery takes only half an hour as soon as you purchase an item, and Rose was amazed about all of this.

The drone can only carry about 5 pounds, which covers 86% of the items that Amazon delivers. Rose asks what would be the hardest part about making this happen. “The hardest part here is putting in all the redundancy, all the reliability, all the systems you need to say, ‘Look, this thing can’t land on somebody’s head while they’re walking around their neighborhood’…  That would not be good,” Jeff says.

The drone will not be available any time soon, as Bezos explains it will take around 4-5 years for production. There are still a lot of problems with the drone that need work, and getting rules from FAA if they can even use drones for delivery. He thinks it will work, and that it will be lots of fun when Amazon Prime Air releases.

Amazon wants to step up their game and have faster delivery since there are companies out there that come and go, they don’t want to be a company that comes out fresh and just slowly falls until they are finally gone. They don’t want to collapse. They want a change, and having a drone deliver packages in 30 minutes is their main goal. Amazon wants to be an outgoing company, meaning that they want to keep going and going, instead of just giving up.