White House Christmas Decorations
Photo by Alex Wong – Getty Images
A beautiful christmas tree stands around seven feet tall in the White House.
It’s that time of year again and it seems as if everywhere you look, you see Christmas decorations in sight. About with two billion individuals around the world celebrate the most popular holiday of the year. Along those two billion individuals celebrating Christmas is the first lady of the White House, Michelle Obama who unveiled the White House’s Christmas decorations for this holiday season.
Mrs. Michelle Obama and her children, Malia and Sasha kicked off the holiday season by decorating cookie ornaments, making tissue-paper flowers, and using dried fruit to make tiny wreaths. During the holiday season, about 70,000 visitors will visit the White House and the first thing that will come to their sight are two life-sized replicas of the two Portuguese Water Dogs of the White House, Bo and his little sister Sunny. Surrounding the two first dog replica statues, are fancy Christmas trees made out of books.
The most highlighted decoration of the White House for the Christmas season is the official White House Christmas Tree that is towering eighteen and a half-foot. The tree honors military families, which is a tradition Mrs. Michelle Obama has created.
Along with the official White House Christmas Tree, visitors will see about two dozen Christmas trees on display, which have been decorated by 83 volunteers from all over the country who traveled just to help decorate. Malia and Sasha will take time to decorate a tree in the Yellow Oval Room in the white house, using a basket of decorations while drinking hot chocolate and listening to some classic Christmas music.
Mrs. Obama stated that this year’s Christmas theme for the White House is “Gather Around: Stories of the Season.” The first lady, Michelle Obama also said, “Our goal is for every room and every tree to tell a story about who we are and how we gather around one another to mark the holidays.”