Backpack and Phone Rule

It was brought to my attention that this year with our new principal Mr. Stein, we have reinforced an old rule this year. The rule consists of students leaving their phone in their backpack at the front of the classroom. I had emailed teachers about two weeks in advance to give me their honest feedback about this rule, to which no one had replied. Obviously, this is a sensitive subject and no one is looking forward to answering honestly. I even emailed the principal asking what the positives and negatives to this rule are. To this day I still have not gotten a response. Yes, I understand that there are lots of positive sides to this rule such as giving your full attention to the teachers, and you aren’t tempted to rummage through your backpack. I also believe that there are negatives such as a home emergency with family trying to contact you, having to get up and interrupt the class to grab necessary supplies out of your backpack, and for females having to get their feminine products in front of everyone. Since I never received an email about Mr. Stein’s reasons for such a rule, I can assume that this is a controversial topic for the principal, and teachers. The teachers have to take time out of their class period to make sure everyone’s phones are in their backpacks at the front of the classroom, and with that being said I believe the students that pay attention to the class get their desired grade. Those who chose to sit on their phone and not do any work will receive their grade. I will get back to this topic if anything changes!

Hello everyone! I’m Emma Machado, daughter of Amy and Derrick Machado. I am a sophomore at Alliance High School and this is my first year in the Spud....