Dare To Be Different

“Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” – Aristotle
You’ve seen movies and read books about being different and unique. You know how most characters are considered outcasts and rebels because they don’t follow the crowd. But then again, they are only books and movies, something that you cannot compare to real life.
I don’t think I’ve ever truly fit in somewhere and perhaps I never will, but I have come to terms with it. It’s okay to be different, yet I constantly need to remind myself of this fact. Being unique is not, nor should it ever be wrong. Society today can be considered cruel and judgmental at times; people are judged because they dare to be “outside the box”. Nobody else has said otherwise.
The question that everyone always asks, but may never know the answer to, basically comes down to “who am I?” The only person who can answer that question is you. Who are you? Are you a rebel or an outcast? Are you peacemaker or a fighter? This brings us to the main reason that being different is considered “wrong”: stereotypes. We’ve all heard of “the jocks”, “the preps”, “the nerds”, and the cliches.
Stereotypes have been around long before we were born and will be here long after we are gone. Although we may not be able to get rid of stereotypes, we sure can make an effort to change them. We have the ability to change almost anything. And if this doesn’t appeal to you, just remember all of the people who have been rejected or thought they would never get very far in life but are now rich and famous. Walt Disney, JK Rowling, and Albert Einstein are a few examples, but that is just some of the many.
It begins now. Everyone, young and old, can change society for better or for worse. Let’s make it for the better. Be unique. Be different. Will you be misunderstood and mocked? Perhaps, but you will never be completely understood by everyone, so why not be a little happier while it’s happening? Dare to be unique because some of the most renowned people were different.

Hey guys! My name is Oryanna Trout, but I prefer to be called Ory. I’m the sixteen year old daughter of Michael and Daneen Trout. I have two older sisters...