Is America Still Great?
It can be difficult for people to accept that there are always winners and there are always losers. In politics, there are now more protests on the streets by Hillary and other anti-Trump supporters since Donald Trump has been chosen for office. American flags have been burned during anti-Trump protects in many different cities, including Philadelphia and Los Angeles. There was another choice besides Clinton and Trump.
If this many people did not want him as president, why act now when he has already been elected? Not much can be changed now that Trump is the 44th president of the United States.
Another example is how this year the Chicago Cubs won the World Series and some people believe that they should share the win with their opponents, the Cleveland Indians. Why should they have to share the win, when other teams never had to? It was the Cub’s first win in the World Series since 1908 and they did not get the glory that they deserved, but instead many people were upset and claimed it was a “miracle” that they won in the first place. They also claimed that it was a “miracle” that Donald Trump won the presidential election, yet nothing was done to change the decision that was made. It’s a shame that even when we do win, many people seem to want more or are simply unhappy with the results that they received.
A question on the internet that inquired, “Why are so many Americans such ungrateful people?” Many people agreed, both those who lived in the U.S and some who lived in other third world countries. It is an unfair and harsh stereotype, but it may be true. Are we ungrateful or do we just not understand how much we have compared to other countries? Sometimes it takes someone from the outside to help us view our country for what it really is.

Hey guys! My name is Oryanna Trout, but I prefer to be called Ory. I’m the sixteen year old daughter of Michael and Daneen Trout. I have two older sisters...