High School Relationships Guide
High school relationships in my generation can be extremely complicated with the many stages teenagers have added into the steps of dating and all the different kinds of high school relationships. This is why I have written a “High School Relationships Guide” to help clear up any confusion.
The first stage in a high school relationship is being “just friends”. This stage is the start of the relationship where you meet, you may get their number, but you have not showed any interest or future with the person.
The second stage in a high school relationship is “texting/snapchatting”. This stage is where you get to know each other through a screen. Yes, it is about as pointless as it sounds, but without this step you would never get to the third stage.
Stage three is “talking”, and this stage is where you have hung out few times, they may have met your parents, but they can still talk to and tell other people they are single.
Step four is “dating” and this is the actual relationship. You are now boyfriend and girlfriend who hold hands in the hallways and go on dates.
Stage five is break up and make up. This depends on the relationship but most high school couples break up then get back together, then break up, then get back together and you get the point but they do that until… well, I am not sure when that stops because I have never witnessed it actually come to an end.
During the break up and make up stage is where we start our love triangles. Someone breaks up, they go find someone new until they realize that they miss their ex and now we have more people dragged into this one relationship. I would tell you about step six “forever” but I cannot explain that step for you because I am only in high school.
High school also has a great deal of different kinds of relationships. First, we have the on-and-off relationships. These are the relationships that are still in the breakup then makeup stage and have been in this stage for most likely a few years. This relationship can be unhealthy and it can also pull others in, causing drama. Then you have the high school and college relationship. This means someone is in high school and someone is now in college but they were together while they were both in high school at one point. When you are in relationship and one of you moves off to college it can be hard to make things work, but some couples have made it through. Those couples are called high school sweethearts and this isn’t something you see everyday, but people do end up spending the rest of their life with someone they started “talking” to in high school, as kids in my generation would say it.
Many people have very different views on high school relationships. Some think they are immature, or that kids do not know how to “love” in high school. My question to you is how should we know any different? Kids know how they feel and they live in the moment. We don’t know what it is like to be married and be in love because we haven’t experienced that but we do know how to care and be with someone now. We can live in the moment like high school students should because we might not be with someone from high school forever, but we never know unless we try.

Hi, my name is McKenna Romick I am now going into my fourth year of high school and my third year being a writer for The SPUD. The spring of my sophomore...