Are We Repeating History?

Since Friday, there have been a lot of different views and opinions about how to take on the Islamic State and how to prepare in case of another attack. The big issue has been about President Obama wanting to let Syrian refugees into the country. Lots of people are extremely skeptical. Twenty-seven states, more than half the nation’s governors, say that they oppose letting Syrian refugees into their states. The final say will come from the federal government, but people are scared to let them in. This is how the bombings in Paris happened. The majority of the terrorists who committed the attack were Syrian refugees who were living in Belgium. It only takes one person to ruin other’s chances. Because of the attacks, people all look at Muslims the same, even when there are lots of Muslims who don’t believe in violence and war; front-runner for the GOP being one of those people who believe this. Donald Trump said that he “will close all Mosques because freedom of religion is only for Christians.” How does this make sense? It doesn’t. He is just representing the people who are prejudice against a whole religion. Just because he is a so-called “politician” he thinks he can brainwash people into believing that every Muslim is the same, when they are not.
The Muslim religion is about the same ideas that Christianity is based off. It is a monotheistic religion that believes in Allah, who they depict as God. The objective of life is to live in a way that is pleasing to Allah so that one may gain their way into heaven, or Paradise. What a single person believes is right in their religion, is right to them. It may not be right to others, but others may believe in what they want to believe to please their God. Lots of people think that the Muslim religion is trying to destroy and get rid of other religions, but that’s totally wrong. Muslims consider their religion to be the one true religion, like how those who believe in Christianity or Catholicism believe that they believe in the one true religion. Muslims invite people of all races, nationalities, and religions to be apart of theirs. They are very open to conversion and to believing in whatever a Muslim wants to believe. Not all Muslims preach violence.
Lawmakers are suggesting that Christian Syrian refugees should be allowed to come into the country, but Muslim Syrian refugees shouldn’t. A big question being asked is if this continues, are we going to treat the Muslims like we did the Japanese? Are we going to discriminate against a whole group of people again? It sure seems like it hearing the thoughts and ideas of the United States officials.

Hello! My name is Tucker Hill. I’m a 17 year old Senior at AHS. I have lived in Alliance and have been going to Alliance Public Schools my whole life....