High School Jobs
Having a job in high school has become almost instinct for most teenagers. Kids in this age group begin to want to have enough money for fun things like movies, food, and activities with friends. But with everything else that high school students are faced with, what are the benefits and drawbacks of having a job in high school?
One of the positive effects of a part-time job on high school kids is that it teaches the student vital time management and real world skills. However, for some students, jobs take a devastating toll on schoolwork. One thing that part-time jobs affect in high school students is their attendance. Some students that are overworked may come to school tired. They may also miss out on chances to come in after school to discuss with teachers the things they don’t understand. Some students also, depending on their work schedule, have to give up the chance to do sports and other clubs after school. Also, students that work too many hours may see a drop in grades due to the lack of homework time.
There are also positive effects of students having jobs. One of these, as previously mentioned, is time management. Students that really concentrate on success learn how to balance work time and school time and are able to communicate with their job when they need to slow down. Having a high school job also builds self-confidence and character. Students learn to take pride in their job, which can then spill over into taking pride in their class work. Students may also experience more self-confidence as their job and earning their own money gives them freedom. They also learn work ethic and real world skills.
Part-time jobs also expose high school students to new surroundings and introduce them to new people. In some cases, employment in high school can also encourage or discourage students into a field of study in college.
Contrary to many people’s beliefs, high school jobs can be extremely beneficial, if handled with maturity. There are some students that need a job and some who don’t, but what really counts is the amount of effort and time that gets put in. A job in high school may help or hurt, but having something to do constantly makes you want to succeed and push forward in life.
Hey! My name is Rhegan Fritzler. I'm a 16 year old junior at Alliance High School and this is my first year writing for the SPUD. I'm number three of four...