The New Wave of AHS Staff

As the end of the year draws to a close, we not only say goodbye to the senior class, but to some of the teachers and coaches that made this year one to remember. With these influential people leaving, the student body, as well as the community, have begun to wonder who will replace the people that we never thought would need replacing.
This year we said goodbye to several of our coaches, and many athletes are wondering who will be coaching them next season.
Next season we will be welcoming Mrs. Jessica Kaiser, a secretary here at Alliance High School, into the position of head volleyball coach. Mrs. Kaiser will be taking over from Mrs. Hiemstra. I know that she will do a great job leading the volleyball team to glory.
We will also be welcoming Mr. Baker, a social studies teacher, back into the position of head coach for the boy’s varsity basketball team. Mr. Baker is taking over the position from Coach Trennepohl.
There are still empty positions for head coach for the girls varsity basketball and boys and girls varsity golf, varsity wrestling as well as many assistant and junior high positions. Hopefully, these teams are able to find a coach soon that will lead them to victory next season.
There are also several teachings positions here at the high school that have recently opened up. The first being a science teacher. This position, filled by Mr. Joshua Dean for the 2016-17 school year and coaching for two seasons, is still open for whomever has the proper credentials to be a science teacher.
There is also news of a second business teacher being hired to help teach Moneywise and Career classes. This is great news for the school because it shows that we are able to hire more than just the bare minimum.
We are also gaining a new Family and Consumer Sciences teacher, Mrs. Ann Pfeiffer. Ann will be taking over for Mrs. Cathy Kloch, who will be retiring. While Mrs. Kloch will be greatly missed, I know Ann will do great.
Mr.Ryan Waters has recently resigned, so next year there will be a new American History teacher next year. This is a huge loss and many of his students, former and future, are upset about his resigning. He also occupied coaching positions all 3 seasons.
This year, two of our High School custodians have either retired or quit. With that, the school is replacing them and is looking for three hard working people to take the place that is ever so needed in our school systems.
There are many bright and promising positions that will soon be filled, until then, students will have to wonder and wait to hear the news of a position being filled. No matter what, anybody who teaches, and coaches, for Alliance is bound to do great things.

Hi! I’m Aubrie Lawrence. This is my third year writing for the SPUD. I am a Senior here at AHS, and I am the Editor-in-Chief for the SPUD. I am the oldest...