You’re Somebody’s Type
If you’re a blood donor, you’re a hero to someone, somewhere, who received your gracious gift of life. On February 28 and March 1, Alliance High School played another huge role in saving lives.
The school normally holds a one day blood drive where multiple donor appointments are crammed into a short time span, leaving the United Blood Staff and Key Club sponsors running around in a frenzy in an attempt to keep the donation process organized and running smoothly. Overtime, the number of students and staff who are willing to donate has continued to grow. With help from the United Blood Services, Alliance High School organized its first two day blood drive to make room for more willing souls.
The two day drive was held in the school’s library where students could find the United Blood staff and their equipment, as well as provided snacks.
The first day of the blood drive, February 28, was regulated specifically to the seniors and staff of Alliance High School. There were a total of 47 spots available and 33 of those spots were filled. According to Mrs. Smith, English teacher and Key Club sponsor here at Alliance High School who is often seen helping a great deal with the blood drives, the two day drive was a huge success. So far, the students and staff have been on time to their appointments keeping the blood drive right on schedule.
The second day, March 1, all of the spots were open to be filled by those who wish to donate their blood and 41 of the 47 spots were filled. Commonly, walk ins or last minute appointments are taken to fill in the staff’s empty spots on the schedule.
“We do amazing for the United Blood Services. We are one of their most successful drives in the tri state area”, Mrs. Smith exclaimed.
During the designated time blood drives are scheduled, Mrs. Smith and her students involved in Key Club, check the students in for their appointments making sure that a permission slip, if under 18, and a picture I.D. are provided.
When asked how Mrs. Smith felt knowing so many students are more than glad to donate blood, she responds, “I think we have set a huge bar for the groups to come through AHS. I think students will see the importance of following this tradition that Mrs. Roberts and her Key Club set before I took over.” She continued, “The coordinator that I work with in Rapid is always praising how many students at AHS are willing to donate and help save lives.”
With such an amazing turn out for Alliance High School’s first ever two day blood drive Mrs. Smith expressed her gratitude.
“I would love to thank Mrs. Roberts, the AHS Staff and Administration, all the Key Club students for working and donating AND the students of AHS for their GREAT effort in helping make this such a success,” she stated.
As a student who has donated blood at every blood drive held at the Alliance High School since turning 16, I highly recommend that students, staff, and any other community member consider the idea of donating blood at your next local blood drive. If you live in Alliance and you want to donate blood, there will be a community blood drive held on Thursday, March 2, at 316 Box Butte Ave in Gallery 3, Studio A. To make an appointment or find a blood drive near you, log on to

Hey! My name is Sharia Williamson. I am a seventeen year old student here at Alliance High School, and the senior editor, for the SPUD.
After I graduate...