Making America Great Again?
“I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” – President Donald Trump
There have been many controversies over the fact that President Trump plans to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Questions such as: “Who’s going to pay for it?” and “How long will it take?” immediately rose to greet the idea. But the main question should be, “How is this going to affect us, both as a country and financially?” House Speaker Paul Ryan stated that the wall could have a price range of 12-15 billion dollars. It will have a large financial impact upon the United States and its citizens but the large cost may also affect citizens of Mexico.
The United States of America is known for its mixed economy and cultures. One of the many mottos of our country is “E pluribus unum” which literally translates to “Out of many, one”. It is found on the Great Seal of the United States and coins like the back side of the Dime. Traditionally, the meaning of the phrase was that out of many peoples, religions, races, and languages, emerges a single people and nation. This also caused the United States to be known as the “melting pot”.
The answer to the question is yes, this will have a large impact on our country. There are going to be pros and cons to every decision that President Trump makes and the building of this wall will be no different. Some main disadvantages include the separation of families and its ability to disrupt the environment or the significant financial repercussion that will come after. The main advantage that resources state is that the wall would “provide control of our borders which is required for national security”. Will this make America great again? Or will it cause our nation more troubles than there already is?

Hey guys! My name is Oryanna Trout, but I prefer to be called Ory. I’m the sixteen year old daughter of Michael and Daneen Trout. I have two older sisters...