Bob Dylan’s Silence
Bob Dylan has been an interesting topic in the last few weeks. It all started with his win of the Nobel Prize for Literature, two weeks ago. He was the first American to win the Nobel Prize, since 1993 when Ms. Morrison won the exact same prize. Everybody accepted Dylan to win this award, and did not protest when he won. About a week after winning the award, Bob took the award off of his official website. Many people then proceeded to call Dylan “arrogant” and “a grumpy old man.”
While some people call this man impolite, others say that it is just who Bob Dylan is. He is known as a man that said that he was better than the Beatles, while they were at their peak, he would often play with his back turned to the crowd, and told a fan that he had no interest in getting to know them. So when he was given the award, many people were not surprised that he had turned it down.
The other side of the argument is that Bob should be ecstatic that he is receiving the award and should be ashamed that he turned it down. He is the second person in history to turn down the Nobel Prize for Literature, the first being Jean Paul Sartre, who turned it down in 1964. Many of the Nobel authorities think that what Dylan did was a terrible idea on his part.
Whether you agree that what Dylan is doing was arrogant or that it is just the way he is, it is still an issue that he did not accept this prestigious award. Many people think that he will accept the award down the line and was only using it to get more publicity. Others think that Dylan does not want to be in the spotlight at all and only wants to be remembered by his music, not the Nobel Prize. Either way Dylan has not agreed to the award, and why he hasn’t is a big mystery.

Hi! I’m Aubrie Lawrence. This is my third year writing for the SPUD. I am a Senior here at AHS, and I am the Editor-in-Chief for the SPUD. I am the oldest...