The iPhone SE
In the past year, Apple released the all new iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6s Plus. Both phones came with bigger screens, a slimmer build and newer technology. The iPhone 6 having a 4.7 inch display screen and the iPhone 6 Plus having a 5.5 inch display screen. However, some consumers weren’t all that hyped about the overall build of the phone. For months, the media was flooded with how iPhones were just getting bigger and bigger, thinner and thinner. All this press attention led Apple to design a revamped iPhone 5s.
On March 21, 2016, Apple announced the release of the all new iPhone SE. With this new iPhone, the 4 inch screen is back on the market and is expected to sell quickly. Last year, Apple reported that they sold 30 million iPhones with a 4 inch screen. With these stats, the new iPhone SE is expected to spike sales for Apple.
The iPhone SE will be sold in stores starting March 31st. It will be available in silver, space grey, gold, and rose gold. The storage options are limited with either 16 or 64 GB available. Like the more recent iPhones, it has the Touch ID feature, the A9 chip, ultrafast wireless LTE, 12MP iSight camera, and iOS 9. The battery power is slightly longer than that of the 6, but only when the iPhone is being used for internet and video playback. The following items will be included when the new iPhone is ordered; an iPhone SE, a pair of Apple EarPods, a Lightning charger cord, and an adaptor box.
The iPhone SE seems like something that may appeal to those who don’t like the size and thickness of the iPhone 6. It is a great option, especially if you are looking for the latest iPhone technology on a 4 inch screen. Also, Apple has made it available in their newest color rose gold, something the iPhone 5/5s was not available in.

Hi! My name is Autumn Hoff. I am a senior, here at AHS. This will be my third, and final year writing for the SPUD. I am the Co-Editor-in-Chief with Safyre...