Sitting Might Be Killing You
Something people do every day of their life, may be killing them. When in school, people are sitting, when they’re driving, people are sitting and when they are just at home watching TV or eating, they’re sitting. It seems as if sitting is all the society is doing now a days.
A new study by the Annals of Internal Medicine found that it increases your chances of getting a disease or condition that will end our lives too soon, even if we exercise. At a research facility in Toronto, researchers concluded that after viewing forty-seven cases.
The study showed that sitting could lead to cancer, cardiovascular disease and even chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes. The prolonged sitting would be sitting for eight to twelve hours or more a day and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by ninety percent. So what’s that mean for the students in school or the hard workers that sit behind a desk all day?
One way to help prevent this is to stand and walk around for one minute to three once every hour. Experts say to “be aware of how much you are sitting” and attempting to reduce this number each week. Try to exercise for at least an hour every day.
The fourth-leading risk factor for death is physical inactivity. Help reduce your chances of shortening your life and reduce the amount you are sitting.

Hello, I’m Morgan Johnston. I’m a senior at Alliance High School, and have been attending Alliance Public Schools since kindergarten. I am excited...