Russia’s bombers across Gulf of Mexico
Russia’s plans to send long-range bombers across the Gulf of Mexico is unprecedented, even during the Cold War. The official, who spoke to the Associated Press, said that the pace of Russian flights around North America have remained steady. Long-range bombers have been in this area before but only in various visits to the region. Steve Warren said, “The Russians have patrolled in the Gulf in the past and we’ve seen the Russian Navy operate in the Gulf of Mexico. These are international waters. It’s important that the Russians conduct their operation safely and in accordance with international standards.” Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, stated that the patrols would occur elsewhere around the globe. NATO’s chief accused Russia of sending troops and tanks in to eastern Ukraine. “Over the last few days, we have seen multiple reports of large convoys moving into Eastern Ukraine,” said NATO Secretary- General Jens Stoltenberg. Moscow denied the allegation as unfounded. Shoigu said long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. Shoigu would not share other information but noted that the increased pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance.
The bomber patrol flights have resumed under President Vladimir Putin’s tenure. They have become even more frequent in recent weeks. Shoigu said earlier this year that Russia plans to expand its worldwide military presence by seeking permission for navy ships to use ports in Latin America, Asia and elsewhere for replenishing supplies and doing maintenance. Russia is also talking to some of those countries about allowing bombers to use their air bases for refueling. “The new bomber flights aren’t necessarily presaging a threat,” said Ian Kearns. “They are just part of a general ramping-up of activities.” The European Leadership Network issued a report that found a sharp rise in Russian-NATO military encounters. The think tank said that three of the nearly forty incidents carried high probability of causing casualties. A reporter said in September, Russian strategic bombers in the Labrador Sea off Canada practiced cruise missile strikes on the U.S. Fighting has continued in the east, despite a cease-fire agreement signed between Ukraine and the rebels. Stoltenberg urged Russia to pull back its forces and equipment from Ukraine and to fully respect the Minsk agreements.

Hi guys. My name is Carissa Adamson. I'm sixteen and I'm a sophomore.I have three siblings. Jacob is a freshman, Brycen is going to be a fourth grader...