Tech Assembly

On Wednesday, May 7, Alliance High had the opportunity to visit and listen to a presentation by Ryan Sothan from the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office. He talked about technology and the way we should and shouldn’t use it today. Throughout the entire assembly students learned how to use technology in the appropriate ways.

Technology has come so far in the past years, and it just happens to be moving so fast that laws can’t keep up with it. This makes it hard to regulate anything that’s happening including everything from cyber-bullying to sexting.

Sothan said women send more inappropriate and revealing pictures but they say it’s because males ask for them. Some of the people sending and receiving these messages range anywhere from as young as 12 to as old as 25. Women were not as prone to answering these questions, but males somewhat bragged about what they had done.

A main point in the presentation was the fact that no matter what you do everything you put on the Internet can be seen by anyone and once it’s there you can’t just take it away. Sure, you can take it off your account but that doesn’t mean that there still isn’t someone out there that might have took a screenshot or saved what you did. Everyone leaves something called a digital footprint on the web every time they do something, don’t let your footprint take away something you have worked so hard for. Sothan’s main point of his presentation was that you are not invisible no matter how many privacy settings you set or how many postings you delete.