Are Energy Drinks Safe?
There are serious risks mixing energy drinks with booze.
In a world that we live in, there are thousands of energy-boosting drinks that are available. A recent study shows that more and more college students are using energy drinks such as Red Bull or Monster each year. The percentage of energy drink consumption has dramatically increased by 40% since last year.
There are several different kinds of energy drinks, however they all contain dangerous chemicals that the human body is not meant to digest. Beverages such as energy drinks are loaded with way too much caffeine and sugar, which is hard on the human heart, making the heart overwork. Several medical researches say that the healthy way of gaining energy for the day is to get a good night’s sleep and consume a hearty breakfast.
A recent study from The University of Michigan has stated that college students who consume energy drinks are more than likely to pick up a habit of drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and consuming pills. “Caffeine and other stimulant substances contained in energy drinks have no place in the diet of children and adolescents,” says Ann Arbor, a researcher at the University of Michigan. In this particular case, it is best to assume that even adults should stay away from caffeine-like beverages.
The use of energy drinks by children across the United States has become a very scary situation, because there is no “law” that prevents kids from purchasing energy drinks loaded with dangerous chemicals. The research team from the University of Michigan also states that children who develop a habit of consuming energy drinks at a young age are also prone to have an addiction for drugs and alcohol. It is very scary to realize the fact that thousands of children in America consume energy drinks on a daily basis, as regularly as soda pop.
In order to solve this certain situation, parents need to come together and be educated about the dangers of consuming energy drinks. Even though caffeine is slightly addictive, it can lead to other addictions such as drugs and alcohol. So remember, the next time you visit a gas station, be sure not to get carried away with caffeine-loaded beverages.