Apple’s New MacBook Pro
Preview of Apple’s newest Mac software.
Apple’s new MacBook Pro 2013 with new software called “Mac OS-X Mavericks,” both are expected to be released at the end of the year. We have an insight on just how the new operating system for Apple computers look like and function. The operating system, OS-X Mavericks, was first introduced at Apple’s WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference) event in June this summer.
The new software will be available for Macs and will be estimated to release at the end of October. It will have new features including a new Maps application, a tabbed folder, iBooks application, a new look for the iCal application, refreshed Safari application, an iCloud keychain, multiple displays, and much more.
The current software for Macintosh is Mac OS Mountain Lion that is available for download is on the Mac App Store for $19.99. Electronic geeks can assume that OS-Mavericks will be around $19.00 to $29.00 for download on iMacs and MacBook Pro computers. However, Windows is offering a free upgrade to Windows 8.1 for Windows 8 users. In this case, Apple users are expecting a free upgrade to Mavericks. Although we know Apple better and how the company works.
There will definitely be a fee to upgrade to OS-Mavericks. The OS-Mavericks software is rumored to be compatible with the upgraded version of MacBook Pro computers, MacBook Pro with Retina Display, and upgraded iMac computers. The main key is that Apple still remains silent about the official release for OS-Mavericks but we can all assume that the new software will be released somewhere around fall this year.